Helping you reach your fullest potential!

Have you ever tried to play with a basketball that wasn’t fully inflated? It doesn’t perform the way it was intended. The ball won’t bounce properly when you dribble it. The ball won’t rebound off the backboard, allowing you another opportunity to score off a missed shot. It will lack the velocity and voyage necessary to travel the distance required to make a three-point shot. To put it bluntly, a basketball that has been under-inflated will underperform and disappoint.

The same holds true for people. When an individual is under-inflated, he or she is not living up to their fullest potential.

I am passionate about educating, developing, and inspiring individuals to reach their personal best through multiple channels: speaking, customized training workshops, DISC assessments, books, and consulting.

Please reach out to discuss your training and development needs, and how I can add value to your event or organization.

About Mike

Michael Patterson is a speaker, trainer, and consultant who has been developing individuals to reach their fullest potential (more


For the past fifteen years Mike has partnered with organizations to create and deliver engaging presentations to meet their (more


Books are a great resource to continue employee development outside of the classroom. Mike is the author of four books (more)